Discover the joy of painting loose, lively, and expressive faces in this exciting watercolour workshop.
Forget about formal portraits—this is all about using fresh, creative approaches to capture bold, dynamic character and personality.
Through wet-in-wettechniques, playful brushwork, and layering, you’ll learn how to create vibrant, emotive portraits that feel full of life and energy.
Perfect for all abilities, my hope is that this workshop will give people the confidence to break away from perfection and embrace the spontaneity and fun of this incredible medium.
Come and paint faces with freedom and dare I say, a little flair!
Tea & Coffee etc included. Please bring your own lunch (there is no shop in the village)
Suitable for abilities and experience levels.
Your favourite usual materials will be fine (a full list will be sent in advance)
Lighthorne Village Hall is well equipped for Wheelchair access. Easy out front parking and large ramp to the entrance, plus a well quipped disabled toilet, as well as generally plenty of space.